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Summer Polish language courses at the Catholic University of Lublin

KUL / 17.04.2023
photo credit: KUL
photo credit: KUL

The Catholic University of Lublin has been offering foreigners the opportunity to learn Polish for many years. This year, summer classes at the Summer School of Polish Language and Culture will be held for the fiftieth time. In addition, thanks to funding from the National Agency for Academic Exchange, the university will organize a course intended for foreign university students and researchers.

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For half a century now, the corridors of the Catholic University of Lublin (KUL) have come alive during the summer vacations thanks to foreigners from all over the world who come to learn Polish. – The classes cover not only the secrets of our language, but we also try to familiarize the students with Polish history and culture,” says Cezary Ruta, director of the School of Polish Language and Culture at KUL. The summer language programs have varying degrees of intensity –  from 5 to 8 hours a day. In addition to classes, the program includes sightseeing in Lublin and excursions, such as to Warsaw, Sandomierz, and Zamość. Course participants will also attend concerts and dance workshops tailored especially for them. Once a week there will be a seminar for those particularly interested in Polish culture. Additional workshops and events, such as a pronunciation contest and a city game, will add variety to the program. Recruitment will continue until July 2, 2023.

The School of Polish Language and Culture of the Catholic University of Lublin will also organize a course for students of foreign universities, in particular, students of Polish philology, Slavonic studies, or majors whose curriculum includes issues related to Central and Eastern Europe. It will also be accessible to scholars whose work includes studies of Polish history, culture, or politics. In addition to an intensive study of the Polish language, the training will include classes in Polish history and culture, a sightseeing program, as well as visits to institutions providing assistance and support to foreigners. The course will last from July 3 to 30, 2023, and thanks to funding from the National Agency for Academic Exchange will be free of charge for participants (except for travel expenses to Poland). Recruitment for this course continues until the limit of places is reached, the enrollment deadline is April 30, 2023.

For details on the summer Polish language courses, visit the website of the School of Polish Language and Culture of the Catholic University of Lublin – an organizational unit of the university, specializing in teaching Polish as a foreign language. More than 10,000 foreigners from around the world have already taken advantage of its offer.

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2025-03-12 00:15:13
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