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To be pro-life, it is enough to be an honest person – a Polish association organizes the Week of Prayers for the Protection of Life

Office for Foreign Communication of the Polish Bishops’ Conference / 19.03.2021
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PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

On the feast of St. Joseph, the Life Protection Prayer Week begins. It is an initiative of the Polish Association of Human Life Defenders, supported by bishops from many Polish dioceses.

– Our intention is to include all unborn children, their mothers and parents receiving a difficult prenatal diagnosis. We will pray for nurses, midwives and doctors, for politicians and journalists, and for all those who demand the killing of unborn babies, says Magdalena Guziak-Nowak from the Polish Association of Human Life Defenders.

The week of prayers consists of the daily recitation of the litany to St. Joseph and a prayer composed by St. John Paul II, taken from the encyclical ‘Evangelium vitae’. There will also be short reflections.

– In a world that divides children into “wanted” and “unwanted”; in a world where indifference and false compassion is killing us, we need to hear the gospel of life anew – the organizers urge. The week of prayers will last until March 25, feast of the Annunciation. In the Catholic Church in Poland it is the Day of the Sanctity of Life.

The Polish Association of Human Life Defenders also emphasizes that science is on the side of life. Research from all over the world confirms that life begins at the moment of conception and gaining awareness, feeling, including pain, takes place already in the mother’s womb. At the same time, the little man is a separate organism from the very beginning and is at no time part of the mother’s body.

– So to be pro-life, you do not have to be a believer – you just need to be honest – write the organizers of the Week of Prayer

– I wholeheartedly support this important initiative; I express my deep gratitude for every work aimed at defending the conceived life; it is certainly a very important and valuable form of support for the protection of human life, especially in the in ongoing year of St. Joseph wanted by the Holy Father Francis – these are few wishes from the letters of Polish bishops addressed to the Polish Association of the Defenders of Human Life.

At the end of January, the Secretariat of the Polish Episcopal Conference sent to all curia materials on the Week of Prayers for the Protection of Life. According to the Secretary of Polish Bishops’ Conference, Bishop Artur Miziński, “common prayer is so necessary in the current situation, when pro-abortion groups provoke social unrest”.

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