The Vatican and Polish Postal Services Issue a Stamp Commemorating the Centennial of John Paul II’s Birth and His Election as Pope

Biuro Komunikacji Zagranicznej Sekretariatu Konferencji Episkopatu Polski
On Friday, October 16th of this year, the day of the 42nd anniversary of John Paul II’s election, Poczta Polska has issued, in cooperation with the Poste Vaticane, a stamp with the image of the Polish Pope. The centennial of his birth, which falls this year, is also celebrated in this way, the Press Office of Poczta Polska stated.
The project’s designer, Agnieszka Sobczyńska, presented the picture of Saint John Paul II with a halo on the stamp, over the background of a decorative element—a fragment of embroidery done by Sister Lucia dos Santos (a Portuguese nun, a witness of Mary’s apparitions in Fatima in 1917). The stamp’s tag bears, in its lower-left corner, the number 100 composed with the two keys of the papal coat of arms. Three graphic versions of the stamp are available: one shows Karol Wojtyła with his mother; another Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński, the Primate of Poland, and Cardinal Karol Wojtyła; and the third, Pope John Paul II in St. Peter’s Square in Rome, says the Press Office of the Polish Postal Service.
“From the very beginning of the Polish Pope’s pontificate, Poczta Polska honored him with its publications, thus promoting his teaching. These were postage stamps showing the Polish Pope against the background of historical events in the history of Poland, Europe, and the world. His teaching also guided us in these publications,” said Mariusz Dawid, Director of Poczta Polska’s Philatelic Office.
This is another joint initiative of the Polish and Vatican Postal Services. Last year, the Apostolic Nunciature in Poland presented a joint postage stamp commemorating the centennial of the restoration of diplomatic relations between Poland and the Holy See. These Polish-Vatican initiatives are organized in cooperation with the Apostolic Nunciature in Poland.
Office for Foreign Communication of the Secretariat of the Polish Bishops’ Conference
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