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Holy Mass in Markowa for Poles saving Jews during World War II

AH / 24.03.2021
Radio FARA/YouTube
Radio FARA/YouTube

In the parish of St. Dorothy in Markowa (Przemyśl Archdiocese) at 10:00 a.m. began the Holy Mass for the intention of Poles saving Jews during World War II and for the beatification of the Ulma family. The liturgy was presided over by Archbishop Adam Szal, Metropolitan of Przemyśl. March 24 is the National Day of Remembrance of Poles who saved Jews under German occupation.

Archbishop Adam Szal expressed his joy for the ongoing beatification process of the Ulma family.

We thank for the example of the Ulma family's life. Their gift of life is a sign for us that sometimes we have to sacrifice our lives to save other people. Today we are asking for the gift of their beatification- emphasized the Metropolitan of Przemyśl.

The homily was delivered by Fr. Dr. Witold Burda, postulator of the beatification process of the Ulma family.

Radio FARA/YouTube

The preacher encouraged us to learn “calmly, in silence and pondering the most important things”.

Referring to the reading from the Book of the Prophet Daniel, Fr. dr. Witold Burda emphasized the primacy of God’s law over human law and referred to the words of Pope Benedict XVI: “If a man rejects the true Face of God (…) then he can justify even the greatest wickedness”.

The Ulmas put God's law in the first place every day, recalled the preacher. They are a model and an example for us, but also remorse not to compromise.

Then the postulator of the beatification process emphasized that the result of abiding in God’s teaching is getting to know the truth, which leads to freedom. Fr. Dr. Witold Burda is particularly touched by the daily fidelity of the Ulmas and the fulfillment of their vocation as a woman and man, husband and wife, parents and Christians.

The smile of the children in the photos touches me. These children felt safe, loved by mom and dad - noted the postulator.

The preacher also stressed the need to protect human life from conception to natural death.

The Ulmas not only adhered to the teachings of Christ, but also learned the truth, grew not only spiritually but also intellectually. The alleged martyrs from Markowa collected many books, and their copy of the Bible, where they marked the parable of the Good Samaritan, deserves special attention.

The Ulmas remained in faith, learned the truth and, consequently, were free, because they had God in their hearts, because they helped others. They were free “from” and “to”.

Radio FARA/YouTube

At the concelebration of the Mass also attended Mons. Dr. Roman Chowaniec, parish priest in Markowa. The attendees were, among others Dr. Mateusz Szpytma, vice president of the Institute of National Remembrance, co-founder and director of the Ulma Family Museum in Markowa, opened in 2016, and Maria Ryznar-Fołta, president of the Association of Markowa’s Friends.

The Ulma family was murdered on March 24, 1944 by the Germans for hiding eight Jews on their farm. The beatification process of Józef and Wiktoria Ulma and their seven children, including one unborn, entered the Vatican stage.

Radio FARA broadcasted the Mass.

Read also:

Polish family murdered for helping Jews may be beatified >>>

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2025-03-19 00:15:12
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