“Every Life Is a Miracle” – A New Pro-life Campaign is Launched
Founders of the Foundation and participants of reportages, credit_Grupa Proelio.Facebook
The diagnosis of hand defects, walking defects, or cerebral palsy meant that doctors proposed abortions. Parents, however, wanted to accept the gift of life, knowing that it could perhaps last only a few years or even hours. Such stories in the form of reports are proposed by the campaign “Every Life Is a miracle”, which was inaugurated by the Foundation Proelio Group.
“We are implementing the campaign of the Foundation Proelio Group to show that the life of every human being has a meaning, that people cannot be killed before birth because of a suspected disease or disability. In this campaign, we present the stories of specific people, who risked being killed before birth and yet are alive,” says Magdalena Korzekwa-Kaliszuk, lawyer and psychologist, founder of the Foundation Proelio Group, in the campaign’s opening video.
On her Facebook profile, she describes, among other things, the story of Natalia Martyniuk from Ukraine and her daughter. “In the twentieth week of pregnancy (…) she was diagnosed with defects +unworthy of life+. Doctors recommended her abortion because no one gave the baby a chance to survive. Today, Anna is 10 years old, and her life is a miracle! Every child deserves a chance!” we read in the post of the founder of the Foundation Proelio Group.
Another story is Ola’s, who in the 20th week of pregnancy was diagnosed with severe hydrocephalus. According to the doctor, Ola was not going to be born alive or she would be born very severely disabled, and “termination” was to be the only solution. “The proposal of abortion was made several times. After the final refusal, the doctor stated that Ola’s mother was ruining her life. Today Ola is 6 years old and although she is disabled, the diagnosis was not fully confirmed, and for the family, she is a source of Joy and Love,” announces the Foundation Proelio Group in its report.
Yet, the stories presented within the campaign “Every Life Is a Miracle” do not omit the most difficult cases either. The authors of the project also turned to parents whose children had lethal defects and died shortly after birth. “Testimonies of parents who experienced this dramatic situation and decided to share very personal experiences with us, leave no doubt that for both the child and the parents it is best when they are given a chance to live at least a short time together,” emphasize the initiators of the campaign. In one of the reports, Marta and Andrzej Witecki talk about their children: Estera who died of Edwards syndrome, and about their sons, Kuba and Szymon (one of whom is adopted), who have Down syndrome.
The cudzycia.pl website also features testimonies written by parents. Paweł Dębowski describes the story of his son, Frank. Together with his wife Olga they lived in Great Britain. After they got married, they were expecting a child. Detailed prenatal tests showed that the child had clubfoot, one very small kidney, and abnormalities in the structure of the brain. Later tests confirmed the worst diagnoses, and doctors repeatedly advised abortion.
“Our son’s case qualified him to be legally killed until the end of the pregnancy (…) We were devastated and terrified. It was hard for us to think what our lives would be like with a sick, disabled child, but it was equally hard for us to imagine how someone could kill our son by injecting poison into his heart,” recalls Pawel. After receiving the difficult diagnosis, the couple decided to come to Poland.
“We flew to Poland for a miracle (…) In Wąwolnica, where there is a Marian shrine where many miracles have occurred. There, we offered our son to Mary so that she would take care of him…. We firmly believe that she continues to do so and that it was she who brought us to God at that time. Since then, there has been peace in our hearts instead of fear. We said ‘yes’ to God’s will, whatever it would be,” says Pawel Debowski.
Francis was born on August 16th, 2019, by cesarean section. “While we can’t say he is a 100% healthy baby, he is our miracle! Most of the predictions from genetic testing did not come true. There are no abnormalities in his brain. He also has two kidneys of appropriate structure and size. He had neither a cleft lip nor a cleft palate. He does, however, have one (not two) clubfoot, or rather, he had one, as it is now straightened out and he now only wears special orthopedic shoes,” we read in a testimonial on the cudzycia.pl website
The campaign of the Foundation Proelio Group is intended to show that abortion is never a solution. As they point out, although today in Poland it is forbidden to kill children before birth if serious diseases are suspected, still many people try to do abort. “We want to transform the hearts and consciences of Polish women and men, by showing that every human being deserves life,” say the authors of this new Pro-life campaign.
“Every Life Is a Miracle” features film reports about people who risked being killed because the law allowed it or someone pressured their parents to abort. It also includes over 80 written testimonies, which can be found starting today at www.cudzycia.pl.
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