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Białystok in defense of the good name of St. John Paul II

Karol Darmoros, Polskie Radio / 31.03.2021
Marzena P. z Pixabay
Marzena P. z Pixabay

The councilors of Białystok took up positions in defense of the good name of the Holy Father John Paul II. In the document adopted above party divisions, it was emphasized that the memory of the Holy Pope requires the highest respect, and actions that insult the Holy Father are harmful primarily to Poland and Poles. This is a subsequent voice of local government officials from Podlas in defense of Saint John Paul II.

In their position, the Białystok councilors expressed their concern about “groundless slander and attacks” directed at the Polish Pope. The councilors of the capital of Podlas are at the same time grateful to John Paul II – as they wrote – for the significant role he played in the history of the world, Europe and Poland in global, social and individual dimensions. The position also reminds about the influence of the Holy Father on the process of systemic changes in Poland and other countries of the Eastern Bloc.

John Paul II during his 26-year pontificate was the highest moral authority and spiritual leader for hundreds of millions of people of different nationalities. His teaching and attitude contributed to the moral renewal of the Polish nation, setting new horizons of freedom for us and recalling our Christian and European roots. He convinced people to live in tolerance, understanding and trust in other people - it is written in the post. The City Council of Białystok also recalled that St. John Paul II is an honorary citizen of the capital of Podlas.

The applicant for the resolution, councilor Zbigniew Klimaszewski from Law and Justice, emphasized that one cannot remain silent when “the greatest Polish authority is injured”. As he said, silence or passivity mean indifference.

This type of position should unite us. To unite everyone, but especially Christians, Orthodox and Catholics. Because if, for example, in terms of the development of Poland, we choose different programs, thus different parties, and we follow different paths, then as Christians we have one common path that connects us - said Councilor Zbigniew Klimaszewski.

Councilor Marcin Moskwa from the Civic Coalition, a club controlling the City Council, said that even the hour of John Paul II’s death – 9:37 pm – is permanently inscribed not only in Polish memory. The councilor also recalled his stay in Rome in the days after the death of the Polish Pope and the hours of waiting to pay tribute to John Paul II who rested in the Basilica of St. Peter. As he added, today’s position “confirms the obvious.” “One would like to shout for Cicero – what times, what customs! When we need to confirm that white is white. When some marginal groups want to break political capital on a brawl and denying what is sacred not only to us Poles and not only Poles, but also [what] seems obvious to us”- emphasized the councilor of the Civic Coalition.

23 councilors voted for the position, with no objections and no abstentions. 5 councilors did not vote.

At the end of February, a similar position in defense of the good name of St. John Paul II unanimously adopted the council of the Podlaskie Voivodeship. The district councils of Białystok and Mońki also took up position in their documents expressing appreciation for the Holy Father and opposing attacks on him.

Jedna odpowiedź do “Białystok in defense of the good name of St. John Paul II”

  1. NN pisze:

    W Bialymstoku juz nie mowia po polsku tylko angielsku ?

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