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#TomorrowIsSunday (En+ES) | In the Bible, what does it mean to be “fisher of men”?

Fr. Paweł Rytel-Andrianik / 05.02.2022
See of Galilee, Photo Credit Sr Amata CSFN
See of Galilee, Photo Credit Sr Amata CSFN

V Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year C

Sunday February 6th, 2022

Gospel of Luke 5:1–11



V Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario, Año C

Domingo 6 de febrero del 2022

Evangelio de Lucas 5,1-11



1. The Task of Jesus’ Disciple

Jesus calls Peter, James, and John. So far, they have been fishing. Now they will be fishing for people. This task is not only for these three apostles, but for all Christians who are disciples of Jesus.

2. Keywords

Jesus said to Simon, “Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.” Simon said in reply, “Master, we have worked hard all night and have caught nothing, but at your command I will lower the nets.” When they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their nets were tearing.

This miracle happened because Peter trusted Jesus and was not afraid of what people thought. Fish are caught at night, not during the day. Fishing in the middle of the day was simply irrational. Moreover, many people who had just been to the lake to listen to Jesus looked with surprise at what Peter was doing. Yet, when Jesus told him to cast the nets, he did. And a miracle happened.

Jesus is now speaking to us in the Scriptures. If we trust Him and do not fear the opinions of others, even though something seems irrational, we will be amazed at the good fruits.

Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men.

The verb to fish (in Greek zōgreō) refers not only to “fishing.” It literally means “capturing instead of killing.” In Luke 5:10, it has a figurative meaning: “bringing someone back to life.”

Commenting on this passage of the Gospel in the homily at the inauguration of his pontificate, Pope Benedict XVI said: “Today too the Church and the successors of the Apostles are told to put out into the deep sea of history and to let down the nets, so as to win men and women over to the Gospel – to God, to Christ, to true life. (…) The net of the Gospel pulls us out of the waters of death and brings us into the splendor of God’s light, into true life.”

3. Today

St. Peter used fishing nets. Now, the “net” is the Internet. There, as Christians, we can also “catch people,” that is, “bring someone back to life.” That is why it is so important for each of us to be present on the Internet with the message of the Gospel, because it concerns souls.

You can read also:

#TomorrowIsSunday (EN+ES) | Why is Nazareth a Tragic City? >>>

#TomorrowIsSunday (EN+ES) | Who is Theophilus for whom Luke wrote the Gospel? >>>


1. La tarea del discípulo de Jesús

Jesús llama a Pedro, Santiago y Juan. Hasta ahora han estado pescando. Ahora van a pescar a hombres. Esta es la tarea no sólo de estos tres apóstoles, sino de todos los cristianos que son discípulos de Jesús.

2. Palabras clave

Jesús dijo a Simón: “Lleva la barca mar adentro y echen sus redes para pescar”. Simón replicó: “Maestro, hemos trabajado toda la noche y no hemos pescado nada; pero, confiado en tu palabra, echaré las redes”. Así lo hizo y cogieron tal cantidad de pescados, que las redes se rompían.

Este milagro ocurrió porque Pedro confió en Jesús y no tuvo miedo de lo que pensara la gente. Los peces se pescan de noche, no de día. Pescar en pleno día era simplemente irracional. Además, muchas personas que habían acudido al lago para escuchar a Jesús miraban con sorpresa lo que Pedro estaba haciendo. Sin embargo, cuando Jesús le dijo que echara las redes, lo hizo. Y se produjo un milagro.

Jesús nos habla ahora en las Escrituras. Si confiamos en Él y no tememos las opiniones de los demás, aunque algo parezca irracional, nos asombraremos de los buenos frutos.

No temas; desde ahora serás pescador de hombres

El verbo pescar (en griego zōgreō) se refiere no sólo a la “pesca”. Literalmente significa “capturar en lugar de matar”. En Lucas 5:10, tiene un significado figurado: “devolver a la vida a alguien”.

Comentando este pasaje del Evangelio en la homilía de inauguración de su pontificado, el Papa Benedicto XVI dijo: “También hoy se dice a la Iglesia y a los sucesores de los apóstoles que se adentren en el mar de la historia y echen las redes, para conquistar a los hombres para el Evangelio, para Dios, para Cristo, para la vida verdadera. (…) La red del Evangelio nos rescata de las aguas de la muerte y nos lleva al resplandor de la luz de Dios, en la vida verdadera”.

3. Hoy

San Pedro utilizaba redes de pesca. Ahora, la “red” es Internet. Allí, como cristianos, también podemos “pescar a personas”, es decir, “devolver a alguien a la vida”. Por eso es tan importante que cada uno de nosotros esté presente en Internet con el mensaje del Evangelio, porque se trata de almas.

También puedes leer:

#TomorrowIsSunday (EN+ES) | Why is Nazareth a Tragic City? >>>

#TomorrowIsSunday (EN+ES) | Who is Theophilus for whom Luke wrote the Gospel? >>>

See of Galilee, photo credit Sr Amata CSFN

See of Galilee, Photo Credit Sr Amata CSFN

St. Peter the Apostle in the “Boat of the Church” – fresco from the church in Tiberias, Photo Credit Sr Amata CSFN

See of Galilee, Photo Credit Sr Amata CSFN

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2025-03-11 00:15:13
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