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Father and Shepherd #12 | Man is most important on earth

Family News Service / 30.11.2021
fot. Instytut Prymasowski,
fot. Instytut Prymasowski,

Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński the Primate of Poland has remained in the memory of Poles as a statesman, defender of faith and freedom of the homeland, advocate of unconditional human dignity.

Defending the dignity of the human person is the fundamental direction in the thinking of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński; the heart of his teaching about God, which he always discovered in relation to man – as a loving Father, a saving Son and the sanctifying Holy Spirit. He aroused hope and argued that not everything is lost in the most difficult situations. “The most battered man, the most blamed, burdened by all penal codes, still remains a man, because sins can be erased from him, and humanity will remain.”

The Primate insistently stressed the need for “rehabilitation” of human beings. He believed that the future depended on it. “A deep search for truth must begin in us, above all in human nature. To get to know it deeply and completely, to understand who a person actually is – it is a great salvation for the modern world ”.

Even for criminals, the Primate saw an opportunity in God’s mercy. “Even if we lose our life in the eyes of the world and the world renounces us, condemning us to death, like thieves to the crucifixion – this is the assessment of the world. There is still an evaluation of God, God cancels out the judgment of the world – “he is guilty of death” – and announces his divine judgment: “Today you will still be with me in Paradise” “.

Among human rights, the right to life was placed in the first place by Primate. He tried to conduct the affairs of the Church and the Fatherland in such a way that no one would perish. I would not forgive myself, he repeated, if at least one man died because of me. The Primate did not fight against any system, but in every system he fought for the people.

He tirelessly reminded us that God is the only Lord of life, the father of man. Thus, man has no right to decide about human life, even the smallest, helpless one. Human life is a gift of God, his blissful love, eternal and invincible love. A man who has come into being is immortal, will live forever, even if the history of his life on earth is interrupted.

Interrupting a child’s life is always illegal. “The modern mother is falsely told that the life that is taking shape in her is an ‘invader’ and some ‘unjust aggressor’. She is told that she has the right to defend herself against this attacker. And finally – horror of horrors – she is given a ‘right’ that no one, even the most unjust prosecutor, has – to compromise her life! According to the codes of criminal law, it is only in a long and arduous procedure that it is possible to pronounce: ‘he is guilty of death’. And here without a sentence, one will of a man, perhaps temporarily tormented, poor or sick, condemns him to death! We ask: By what right? Why should the universal and fundamental right to life “Don’t kill” be suspended here? ”

The matter of a new person’s life is not a private matter of two parents – mother and father – the Primate taught. Everyone should be interested in this matter, and above all a new being who has the right to exist and no one can sentence them to death.

Father and Shepherd #1 | Childhood >>>

Father and Shepherd #2 | Seminary and priestly ordination >>>

Father and Shepherd #3 | The beginning of priestly ministry >>>

Father and Shepherd #4 | Among the workers in Włocławek >>>

Father and Shepherd #5 | Wartime exile >>>

Father and Shepherd #6 | At the episcopal see in Lublin >>>

Father and Shepherd #7 | Shepherd of the Church in Poland >>>

Father and Shepherd #8 | Three years of imprisonment >>>

Father and Shepherd #9 | Mary, given to protect the nation, visits Poland >>>

Father and Shepherd #10 | Cardinal Wyszyński, the father of the Second Vatican Council >>>

Father and Shepherd #11 | The Primate in defence of human rights >>>

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2025-01-13 00:15:12
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