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The Foundation YES TO LIFE on the Matić Report: It Is a Step Towards the Destruction of Humanity

Family News Service / / 26.06.2021
fot. Ahmet Furkan ONAT z Pixabay
fot. Ahmet Furkan ONAT z Pixabay

“We can see that how promoters of anti-life resolutions are are trying to destroy the values to which the founding fathers of the European Union were faithful. This is a move towards man’s destruction,” said Bogdan Romaniuk, vice-president of the Foundation YES TO LIFE (pol. ŻYCIU TAK), commenting on the adoption of the Matić Report in an interview for Nasz Dziennik.

Bogdan Romaniuk recalled that the founders of the European community had other goals, as Pope Francis indicated in his approval of the decree on the heroic virtues of one of them, Robert Schuman. “The goal of the founders of the European Union was to strive to build European unity based on Christian values,” noted Romanik. “This is also shown by the flag of the European Union, on which there are twelve stars symbolizing the Mother of God,” the politician added, stressing that the adoption of the Report is an action of ideologies opposed to the civilization of life.

Romaniuk underscored that these ideologies are trying to “shape the consciousness of people against life from conception to natural death. The politician recalled that the resolution adopted by the European Parliament is not legally binding on any country; but, in his opinion, it should mobilize Christians to work even more intensively in defense of life.

Bogdan Romaniuk emphasized the significant role of Catholic parliamentarians, of the Church, and of all Christians.

In this context, what Poland proposes to Europe today, by limiting abortion by rejecting the so-called eugenic reason, is very important, said the foundation’s vice-president. He pointed to the initiative of the belle “Voice of the Unborn” is a noteworthy example.

Bogdan Romaniuk is the bell’s is originator. The initiative was inspired by the fact that, every year, over 42 million children around the world are killed through abortion. In order to draw attention to this, Romaniuk presented to the board of directors of the Foundation YES TO LIFE the idea of a bell that would speak on behalf of the unborn and speak out for conceived life.

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2024-09-15 23:15:13