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Polski Episkopat podał, kiedy przestaną obowiązywać dyspensy od udziału w niedzielnych Mszach

AH / 11.06.2021

Biskupi podjęli jednogłośną decyzję o zniesieniu dyspens od uczestnictwa w niedzielnej Mszy świętej oraz w święta nakazane. Dyspensy zostaną zniesione z dniem 20 czerwca br.

Biskupi zgromadzeni na 389. Zebraniu Plenarnym Konferencji Episkopatu Polski w Kalwarii Zebrzydowskiej zdecydowali, że 20 czerwca br. dyspensy zostaną zniesione jednocześnie we wszystkich diecezjach, w których do tej pory obowiązywały w związku z pandemią Covid-19.

źródło: BP KEP

389th Plennary Session of the Polish Bishops’ Conference Credit


On June 20, dispensations from attending Sunday Mass will be lifted

The bishops have made a unanimous decision to abolish dispensations from attending Sunday Mass and on holidays of obligation. The dispensations will be abolished as of June 20 of this year.

The bishops gathered at the 389th Plenary Session of the Polish Bishops’ Conference in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska have decided that on June 20 this year dispensations will be lifted simultaneously in all dioceses where they have been in force until now due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Press Office of the Polish Bishops’ Conference


Il 20 giugno sarà abolita la dispensa dalla partecipazione alla Messa domenicale

I vescovi hanno unanimemente deciso di abolire la dispensa dalla partecipazione alla Messa domenicale e nelle festività prescritte. La dispensa sarà abolita il 20 giugno di quest’anno.

I Vescovi riuniti per il Sessione Plenaria della Conferenza Episcopale Polacca a Kalwaria Zebrzydowska hanno deciso che il 20 giugno di quest’anno sarà abolita la dispensa contemporaneamente in tutte le diocesi nelle quali era ancora in vigore in relazione alla pandemia di Covid-19.

Ufficio Stampa della Conferenza Episcopale Polacca

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2024-11-26 00:15:12